'Ways Of Seeing' 2024  30.5x30.5cm   Neon acrylic on canvas
Seeing comes before words
The more imaginative the work, the more profoundly it allows us to share the artist’s experience of the visible
All creation is in the art of seeing
Perspective makes the eye the centre of the visible world
Everything became exchangeable because everything became a commodity
The way we see things is affected by what we know or what we believe
That is mystification
Quotes from 'Ways Of Seeing' by John Berger 1972
'Revelation 3' 2024  30.5x30.5cm   Neon acrylic/Black 4.0 on canvas​​​​​​​
You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ 
But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.
I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, 
so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, 
so you can cover your shameful nakedness; 
and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.
Revelation 3: 17-18
'Blake's Letter' 2024  30.5x30.5cm   Neon acrylic on canvas
And I know that this world is a world of imagination and vision.
I see every thing I paint in this world, but everybody does not see alike
William Blake (Excerpt from letter to Reverand John Trusler, 1799)​​​​​​​
'Fire & Brimstone' 2024  30.5x63cm   Neon acrylic/acrylic on canvas
The maritime International Code of Signals uses flag hoists to communicate between vessels. 
These are the flags for I (india) and T (tango). Used together they indicate 'I am on fire'.
'But the fearful and unbelieving
the abominable murderers and whoremongers
and sorcerers and idolaters
and all liars shall have their part 
in the lake which burneth with
fire and brimstone 
which is the second death'
Revelation 21:8

'Spanish Bombs' 2024  30.5x30.5cm   Neon acrylic/Black 4.0 on canvas
They sang the red flag - They wore the black one
From 'Spanish Bombs' by The Clash 1979, using the C.N.T/F.A.I Anarchist flag​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
'This Land Is Your Land' 2024  61x30.5cm   Neon acrylic/acrylic on canvas
​​​​​​​There was a big high wall there that tried to stop me 
sign was painted it said private property
but on the back side it didn’t say nothing
this land was made for you and me
'This Land Is Your Land' by Woody Guthrie, from the original 1940 version.
This verse was omitted from the 1944 recording. 
'Mesopotamia' 2024  30.5x30.5cm   Neon acrylic/acrylic on canvas
'Storm Warning'  2024  56x56cm   Acrylic/Black 4.0 on canvas
A black square on a red background is the US maritime storm warning flag for storms with winds from 48-63 knots ​​​​​​​
And God said unto Noah 
the end of all flesh is come before me 
for the earth is filled with violence 
through them and behold
I will destroy them with the earth
Genesis 6: 11-13
'Hurricane'  2024  63x30.5cm    Acrylic/Black 4.0 on canvas
Two US maritime storm warning flags used together signify storms with winds above 63 knots.
Bob Dylan's 'Hurricane' was released as a 7" single in 1975. The song was split over both sides of the single.  ​​​​​​​
Side 1: here comes the story of the hurricane 
the man the authorities came to blame 
for somethin that he never done
put in a prison cell
but one time he coulda been the
champion of the world
Side 2:  How can the life of such a man
Be in the palm of some fools hand?
To see him obviously framed 
Couldn’t help but make me feel 
ashamed  to live in a land 
Where justice is a game

'Imagine There's No Heaven, It's Easy If You Try' 2023  30.5x30.5cm, Dia30.5cm Acrylic on canvas
The dots on the white square are the music notes for the piano intro to 'Imagine'.
The stars on the black circle are how they were aligned above New York on the night of John Lennon's murder - 8th December 1980 at 10:50pm EST
'Imagine There's No Heaven, It's Easy If You Try' 2023  Video
'London Calling To The Far Away Towns' 2023  Acrylic on canvas 30x30cm, dia30cm
Love Will Tear Us Apart 7" 2023 Limited edition print
Hamilton  2023 30x30cm Acrylic on canvas
Full Circle  2023/5300BC 30x30cm Acrylic on canvas
Full Circle (Animated) 2023/5300BC
Another Star painting by Tim Higgins glow-in-the-dark bespoke unique star-chart
'Another Star' 2023  Acrylic on canvas  30x30cm
'Another Star' 2023  Video
10" Shellac Triptych  2023  
Cross Road Blues  -  Jeru/Godchild  -  Strange Fruit 
Acrylic on canvas board  3x10"sq
A Hard Day's Night 7"  2023  
Take 1  -  Take 2 
Acrylic on canvas board  2x7"sq
Starman 7"  2023  Acrylic on canvas board
4'33" 7"  2023  Acrylic on canvas board
London Calling 7"  2023  Acrylic on canvas board
Algorhythm Series ​​​​​
Generated by Artistic Intelligence
Algorhythm#1 2023  58x59cm Acrylic on paper
Algorhythm#4 2023  52x52cm Acrylic on paper
Algorhythm#6 2023  58x65cm  Acrylic on paper
Algorhythm#7 2023  56x6cm Acrylic on paper
Algorhythm#2  2023 30x30cm Acrylic on canvas
Algorhythm#3  2023 30x30cm Acrylic on canvas
Algorhythm#8  2023 30x30cm Acrylic on canvas
Algorhythm#11  2023 30x30cm Acrylic on canvas
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